Publications and Preprints by Topics
- (With Zhujun Zhang) Translational Aperiodic Sets of 7 Polyominoes. arXiv:2412.17382
- (With Zhujun Zhang) Undecidability of Translational Tiling with Three Tiles. arXiv:2412.10646
- (With Zhujun Zhang) Undecidability of Translational Tiling of the 4-dimensional Space with a Set of 4 Polyhypercubes. arXiv:2409.00846
Journal version: to appear in SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics
- (With Zhujun Zhang) Undecidability of Translational Tiling of the 3-dimensional Space with a Set of 6 Polycubes. arXiv:2408.02196
Journal version: to appear in Proceedings of the AMS
- (With Zhujun Zhang) NP-completeness of Tiling Finite Simply Connected Regions with a Fixed Set of Wang Tiles. arXiv:2405.01017
- (With Zhujun Zhang) Undecidability of tiling the plane with a fixed number of Wang bars. arXiv:2404.04504
- (With Zhujun Zhang) A proof of Ollinger's conjecture: undecidability of tiling the plane with a set of 8 polyominoes. arXiv:2403.13472
Journal version: Translational tiling with 8 polyominoes is undecidable. to appear in Discrete & Computational Geometry.
- On the Undecidability of Tiling the plane with a Set of 9 Polyominoes (in Chinese). to appear in SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica.
- Wang Tiles: Connectivity when Tiling a Plane. Thai Journal of Mathematics. 21(4)(2023), 991–1009.
- Tiling the Plane with a Set of Ten Polyominoes.
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications. 33(03n04)(2023), 55-64.
Combinatorial Game Thoery
- (With Zhujun Zhang) Atropos-k is PSPACE-complete. arXiv:2403.01662
Motion Planning on Graphs/Puzzles
- (With Zhujun Zhang) Friends-and-strangers is PSPACE-complete. arXiv:2402.03685
- On the Computational Complexity of Pushing Machine, to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, the proceedings/collection of papers of JCDCG^3 2022
- On the Complexity of Motion Planning Problem of a Forklift. Thai Journal of Mathematics. 21(4)(2023), 785-798.
- On the Complexity of Jelly-no-Puzzle.
In: Akiyama J., Marcelo R.M., Ruiz MJ.P., Uno Y. (eds) Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games. JCDCGGG 2018.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13034 (2021), Springer, Cham. 165-174.
- Hanano Puzzle is NP-hard. Information Processing Letters. 145 (2019), 6-10. (With Ziwen Liu)
- The Non-Deterministic Constraint Logic and Its Applications in Computational Complexity.
Computer Science and Application. 7(5) (2017), 407-413. (With Ziwen Liu)
- SNOWMAN is PSPACE-complete.
Theoretical Computer Science. 677 (2017) 31-40. (With Weihua He and Ziwen Liu)
- Sliding puzzles and rotating puzzles on graphs , Discrete Mathematics.
311 (2011), 1290–1294 .
Misc. (Graph Curvature, Spectral Graph Theory, etc.)
- The Spectral Distribution of Random Mixed Graphs.
Axioms. 11(3) (2022), 126. (With Yue Guan, Bo Cheng, Minfeng Chen, Meili Liang, Jianxi Liu, Jinxun Wang and Li Zeng)
- The linear k-arboricity of digraphs.
AIMS Mathematics. 7(3) (2022), 4137-4152. (With Xiaoling Zhou and Weihua He)
- The linear k-arboricity of symmetric directed trees.
AIMS Mathematics. 7(2) (2022), 1603-1614. (With Xiaoling Zhou and Weihua He)
- Ricci-flat graphs with girth four.
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series. 37(11) (2021), 1679-1691.
(With Weihua He, Jun Luo, Wei Yuan and Hui Chun Zhang)
- On the Upper Bound of Modular Chromatic Number of Graphs.
Advances in Applied Mathematics. 9(8) (2020), 1309-1312.
- Unified extremal results of topological indices and spectral invariants of graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics. 271 (2019), 218-232. (With Yuedan Yao, Muhuo Liu, Francesco Belardo)
Math Education
- Practice of Ideological and Political Teaching in “Mathematical Statistics” Course.
Advances in Education. 13(11) (2023), 8679-8683.
- Teaching Advanced Mathematics with the New Technological Achievements of China—Using the Tianwen-1 Spacecraft as an Example.
Advances in Education. 11(1) (2021), 68-72.
Connectivity of Graphs/Combinatorial Networks
- Connectivity of lexicographic product and direct product of
Ars Combinatoria. 111 (2013), 3-12. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
- Connectivity and super-connectivity of Cartesian product
graphs, Ars Combinatoria. 95 (2010), 235-245. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
- Diameter vulnerability of graphs by edge
deletion. Discrete Mathematics. 309 (2009), 1001-1006. (With He-Xi Ye and Jun-Ming Xu)
- Forwarding index of cube-connected cycles.
Discrete Applied Mathematics. 157(1) (2009), 1-7. (With Jun Yan and Jun-Ming Xu)
- Reliability of interconnection networks modeled by
Cartesian product digraphs. Networks, 52(4) (2008), 202-205. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
- Connectivity and Edge-connectivity of Strong Product
Graphs, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 38(5) (2008), 449-
455. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
- Cover pebbling number of some product
graphs, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 38(9) (2008), 1030-
1035. (With Wei Kong, Yong-Liang Pan)
- Fault Diameter of Product Graphs, Information Processing Letters.
102 (2007), 226-228. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
- Feedback Number of Kautz
Digraph, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007), 1589-1599. (With Jun-Ming Xu, Ye-Zhou Wu, Jia Huang)
- Some graphs with
minimum Hosoya index and Maximum Merrifield-Simmons index, MATCH
Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry. 57(1) (2007), 235-242.
(With Xiang-Feng Pan, Jun-Ming Xu and Min-Jie Zhou)
- On the Randic index of unicyclic graphs
with k pendant vertices, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer
Chemistry. 55(2) (2006), 409417. (With Xiang-Feng Pan, Jun-Ming Xu)
- Connectivity of Cartesian product graphs, Discrete Mathematics,
306(1) (2006), 159-165. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
Last modified: December 26, 2024. 00:17:07.