
数学与统计学院 副教授 硕士生导师


Associate Professor
Chair of Department of Mathematics Education
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS)
Guangzhou, 510006, China
E-mail: yangchao AT gdufs DOT edu DOT cn
sokoban2007 AT 163 DOT com

My webpage at GDUFS.

Work Experience


Guangzhou Discrete Math Seminar

I co-organize the Guangzhou Discrete Math Seminar, which started in September 2017. If anyone is interested in giving a seminar talk, or for general enquiries, please contact me or other organizers.

Research Interests

Graph Theory, Theoretical Computer Science, Combinatorial Games and Puzzles, Plane and Space Tilings, and various topics in Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics.

Publications and Preprints

My papers indexed by MathSciNet of AMS.

See also my record at ORCID.

Publications and preprints by subjects.

  1. (With Zhujun Zhang) Translational Aperiodic Sets of 7 Polyominoes. arXiv:2412.17382
  2. (With Zhujun Zhang) Undecidability of Translational Tiling with Three Tiles. arXiv:2412.10646
  3. (With Zhujun Zhang) Undecidability of Translational Tiling of the 4-dimensional Space with a Set of 4 Polyhypercubes. arXiv:2409.00846
    Journal version: to appear in SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics
  4. (With Zhujun Zhang) Undecidability of Translational Tiling of the 3-dimensional Space with a Set of 6 Polycubes. arXiv:2408.02196
    Journal version: to appear in Proceedings of the AMS
  5. (With Zhujun Zhang) NP-completeness of Tiling Finite Simply Connected Regions with a Fixed Set of Wang Tiles. arXiv:2405.01017
  6. (With Zhujun Zhang) Undecidability of tiling the plane with a fixed number of Wang bars. arXiv:2404.04504
  7. (With Zhujun Zhang) A proof of Ollinger's conjecture: undecidability of tiling the plane with a set of 8 polyominoes. arXiv:2403.13472
    Journal version: Translational tiling with 8 polyominoes is undecidable. to appear in Discrete & Computational Geometry. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00454-024-00706-1
  8. (With Zhujun Zhang) Atropos-k is PSPACE-complete. arXiv:2403.01662
  9. (With Zhujun Zhang) Friends-and-strangers is PSPACE-complete. arXiv:2402.03685
  10. On the Computational Complexity of Pushing Machine, to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, the proceedings/collection of papers of JCDCG^3 2022
  11. On the Undecidability of Tiling the plane with a Set of 9 Polyominoes (in Chinese). to appear in SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica. https://doi.org/10.1360/SSM-2024-0035
  12. Wang Tiles: Connectivity when Tiling a Plane. Thai Journal of Mathematics. 21(4)(2023), 991–1009. https://thaijmath2.in.cmu.ac.th/index.php/thaijmath/article/view/1561
  13. On the Complexity of Motion Planning Problem of a Forklift. Thai Journal of Mathematics. 21(4)(2023), 785-798. https://thaijmath2.in.cmu.ac.th/index.php/thaijmath/article/view/1545
  14. Practice of Ideological and Political Teaching in “Mathematical Statistics” Course. Advances in Education. 13(11) (2023), 8679-8683.
  15. Tiling the Plane with a Set of Ten Polyominoes. International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications. 33(03n04)(2023), 55-64. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218195923500012
  16. The Spectral Distribution of Random Mixed Graphs. Axioms. 11(3) (2022), 126. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11030126 (With Yue Guan, Bo Cheng, Minfeng Chen, Meili Liang, Jianxi Liu, Jinxun Wang and Li Zeng)
  17. The linear k-arboricity of digraphs. AIMS Mathematics. 7(3) (2022), 4137-4152. https://doi.org/10.3934/math.2022229 (With Xiaoling Zhou and Weihua He)
  18. The linear k-arboricity of symmetric directed trees. AIMS Mathematics. 7(2) (2022), 1603-1614. https://doi.org/10.3934/math.2022093 (With Xiaoling Zhou and Weihua He)
  19. Ricci-flat graphs with girth four. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series. 37(11) (2021), 1679-1691. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10114-021-9546-y (With Weihua He, Jun Luo, Wei Yuan and Hui Chun Zhang)
  20. On the Complexity of Jelly-no-Puzzle. In: Akiyama J., Marcelo R.M., Ruiz MJ.P., Uno Y. (eds) Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games. JCDCGGG 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13034 (2021), Springer, Cham. 165-174. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90048-9_13
  21. Teaching Advanced Mathematics with the New Technological Achievements of China—Using the Tianwen-1 Spacecraft as an Example. Advances in Education. 11(1) (2021), 68-72.
  22. On the Upper Bound of Modular Chromatic Number of Graphs. Advances in Applied Mathematics. 9(8) (2020), 1309-1312.
  23. Unified extremal results of topological indices and spectral invariants of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 271 (2019), 218-232. (With Yuedan Yao, Muhuo Liu, Francesco Belardo)
  24. Hanano Puzzle is NP-hard. Information Processing Letters. 145 (2019), 6-10. (With Ziwen Liu)
  25. The Non-Deterministic Constraint Logic and Its Applications in Computational Complexity. Computer Science and Application. 7(5) (2017), 407-413. (With Ziwen Liu)
  26. SNOWMAN is PSPACE-complete. Theoretical Computer Science. 677 (2017) 31-40. (With Weihua He and Ziwen Liu)
  27. Connectivity of lexicographic product and direct product of graphs, Ars Combinatoria. 111 (2013), 3-12. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
  28. Sliding puzzles and rotating puzzles on graphs , Discrete Mathematics. 311 (2011), 1290–1294 .
  29. Connectivity and super-connectivity of Cartesian product graphs, Ars Combinatoria. 95 (2010), 235-245. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
  30. Diameter vulnerability of graphs by edge deletion. Discrete Mathematics. 309 (2009), 1001-1006. (With He-Xi Ye and Jun-Ming Xu)
  31. Forwarding index of cube-connected cycles. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 157(1) (2009), 1-7. (With Jun Yan and Jun-Ming Xu)
  32. Reliability of interconnection networks modeled by Cartesian product digraphs. Networks, 52(4) (2008), 202-205. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
  33. Connectivity and Edge-connectivity of Strong Product Graphs, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 38(5) (2008), 449- 455. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
  34. Cover pebbling number of some product graphs, Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 38(9) (2008), 1030- 1035. (With Wei Kong, Yong-Liang Pan)
  35. Fault Diameter of Product Graphs, Information Processing Letters. 102 (2007), 226-228. (With Jun-Ming Xu)
  36. Feedback Number of Kautz Digraph, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007), 1589-1599. (With Jun-Ming Xu, Ye-Zhou Wu, Jia Huang)
  37. Some graphs with minimum Hosoya index and Maximum Merrifield-Simmons index, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry. 57(1) (2007), 235-242. (With Xiang-Feng Pan, Jun-Ming Xu and Min-Jie Zhou)
  38. On the Randic index of unicyclic graphs with k pendant vertices, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry. 55(2) (2006), 409417. (With Xiang-Feng Pan, Jun-Ming Xu)
  39. Connectivity of Cartesian product graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 306(1) (2006), 159-165. (With Jun-Ming Xu)

Academic Service


Non-academic Activities

Last modified: January 29, 2025. 17:49:08.