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Submit a solution (在线提交答案) for 198th Competition


Show/Hide Competition Level (隐藏/显示 比赛关卡)

Main Level

              ######     #     
              #   $  ***.#     
  #####       # **.*** # ######
  #   ##### ###$.$   *  $ $ $ #
  # **$ $ ###      *###.#.*.* #
 ##  .*.#  #  .***** #      * #
##  #       $**$     ****$ *. #
#   # ****.#* #  ****#   .$.$ #
# ****#  $ * *  ..   * *$ # ###
# * #  $.**   .$$  **** .*  #  
##$ #  .*   ****.##* #   $# #  
 #  # *#$ #    *$ *  *****  #  
 # ## *  *# ***.# * $    #* #  
 #  .****   * .   * *.**$ * #  
## ** * ** #* * # * * *@. # #  
# .* .*  **# $.## * * $*$ # #  
# $  $*###   * #  * * .  ## #  
##### . #   *# #$ * ** $**  #  
 #   $* # #*   #  *$ **..  ##  
 # $# .  ** *# #$*.#  $*  ##   
 #  #$* *  # *  .* ##  ** #    
 #### .  ##  #***$$ ##. * #    
    #$.#   . *   *.. $  * #    
    #  #####  *** $**  ** #    
    ####   ##     # ***.  #    
            #######      ##    
Title: 初雪 (MF8 198th Sokoban Competition, Main)
Author:Liu Yi


Skin designed by Borgar, used with permission.

Extra Level

; Date: 20230527
#       *      ##
# ######*#####  #
# *          ## #
# # ********  # #
# # *      ** # #
# # * ####  * # #
# # * #  ## * # #
# # * #   # * # #
# # * ##  # * # #
# # *  #### * # #
# # **  @   * * #
# #  ******** # #
# ##          # #
#  ##### ###### #
##              #
Title: 金石为开 (MF8 198th Sokoban Competition, Extra 1)


Skin designed by Borgar, used with permission.

Extra Level 2

 #                 #
 #.#*# ***.*$*.#*# #
 # $ * * $ * * $ * #
 # #.*$*.* *.*$*.# #
 # *     * $   . $ #
 # *$*.#$# #*# *** #
 # . * * . . * $ . #
##$*** #*#$#$#.*** #
#         @.     $ #
#  *** #*#$#$#.*** #
## . * * . . * $ . #
 # *$*.#$# #*# *** #
 # *     * $   . $ #
 # #.*$*.* *.*$*.# #
 # $ * * $ * * $ * #
 # #*# ***.*$*.#*# #
 #                 #
Title: 斗折蛇行 (MF8 198th Sokoban Competition, Extra 2)
Author:asdjiwn + 闲(XIAN) + Kevin29


Extra Level 3

; 食食顺心(事事顺心谐音)
##    ##### 
# .*. .   # 
# $ # *** # 
# # # $ # # 
# #.# *.# # 
# $.$ # $ # 
#@$ #.*.# # 
###.$   # ##
  # $**##  #
  #    . $ #
  #$###*$. #
  #       ##
Title: 贪吃蛇之食食顺心 (MF8 198th Sokoban Competition, Extra 3)
Author:Liu Yi


The solution you submitted will be always verified with the current competition level. If the solution is correct, it will be shown at the Submissions Table immediately.

提交的答案仅对当期比赛关卡有效。如果提交的答案是正确的, 该答案会马上出现在提交列表

Please use the same ID for all your submissions. Also, please use only letters (a...z, A...Z) and numbers (0...9) in your ID, and make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces.

Country/Region (optional):
If your country/region is not listed or the information is not correct, please contact the webmaster.

For either the Main Level or the Extra Level. Paste in only the LURD solution, no extra text. Submit only one solution at a time.
请仅粘贴 LURD 格式答案,不要含有其他多余信息。一次只能提交一个答案。