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魔方吧推箱子比赛每月一期。第一期举办于2009年4月7日。 从第十四期开始,参赛者通过本网站在线提交答案。到目前为止,先后有来自保加利亚、 德国、法国、丹麦、巴西、西班牙、阿鲁巴(荷兰)、比利时、捷克、俄罗斯、葡萄牙、意大利、印度、美国和中国等国家和地区的朋友参加比赛。
推箱子游戏的规则大概是家喻户晓的。要参加本站的推箱子比赛,您需要一款专业的推箱子软件, 和对推箱子关卡的XSB格式和推箱子答案的LURD格式有所了解。所谓专业的推箱子软件,就是能够读入标准格式的关卡, 和输出标准格式的答案。推荐使用可以在本站下载的歪推箱子程序, 其他的软件如老封推箱子, YASC Sokoban, JSoko等也是十分优秀的推箱子软件。 使用Linux系统的朋友可以下载本站的USokoban。 若您的浏览器支持Java插件, 您也可以在线使用本站的SokoPlayer小程序来参加比赛。 或者使用不需插件的SokoPlayer HTML5在线游戏。 关于XSB格式和LURD格式的介绍请看这里。 当前的比赛关卡在页面顶部的导航栏中的本期比赛关卡查看。
本站建于2009年7月13日,起初是作为推箱子工具软件SokoFind的主页。从2010年4月起,魔方吧推箱子比赛成为 本站的主要内容。2010年底,启用 sokoban.ws 域名。2011年初,本站搬到西部数码的虚拟主机。
2012年11月,新增 sokoban.cn 域名;12月新增 sokoban.org 域名(之后 sokoban.org 用于建立新网站:推箱子关卡平台)。
魔方吧推箱子比赛的目前由 anian 和 stopheart 负责改编,设计和安排比赛关卡 (包括邀请 gyjgw, zhenying, 20603等高手为比赛设计关卡),由杨超(网名sokoban)负责比赛网站的编写和日常维护。
更多请参看博文《魔方吧推箱子比赛五周年》以及 anian 文《五年随感》、 stopheart 文《五年随感》。
MF8 Sokoban competition is held online at MF8 forum with the frequency nearly once every month. The 1st competition took place on April 7, 2009. By April 9, 2010, we have held 11 competitions in all. The competition becomes a major event among the Chinese Sokoban community, and the competition level is becoming more and more challenging.
To share the fun of playing Sokoban with more people, we invite Sokoban lovers from all over the world to join the competition, by setting up this web page right before the 12th competition.
For the first 13 competitions, since players took part in the competition by replying to a competition thread at MF8 forum, an account for the MF8 forum was needed to join the competition.
Starting from the 14th competition, players can join the competition by using the online solution submission page. It is much easier to submit a solution now (no MF8 account is required, no need to upload a password-protected compressed file, and no need to send the password to anian).
The competition site was moved from http://sokoutil.orgfree.com to http://sokoban.zzl.org on Nov. 11, 2010.
We began using the domain name sokoban.ws on Dec 22, 2010.
We moved the site for the second time on Jan 28, 2011. Now our website is hosted in China.
Primary domain name was changed to sokoban.cn on Nov 11, 2012.
Comments or suggestions about the competition are welcome. Feel free to send an email to yangchao0710 at gmail dot com.