mouse control: click a floor, the man will move there; click the man, the floors that the man can reach will be highlighted
mouse control: click a box to select it, the floors that the selected box can be pushed to will be highlighted; then click a floor, the man will push the selected box to the floor
mouse control: click a wall, pushable boxes will be highlighted
mouse control: use mouse wheel to undo and redo
arrow keys or W,A,S,D: move the man
Z, backspace: undo
X: redo
Esc: restart
O: output the LURD solution to the text area
paste LURD solution in the text area, and click 'load solution' to load a solution
paste XSB levels in the text area, and click 'load level' to load levels
for a brief introduction of the XSB and LURD format, see here
click the '>' button to rotate the level 90 degree clockwise
click the '|' button to mirror the level
click the 'o' button to restore to the original orientation
I would like to thank Borgar Þorsteinsson for his kind permission using the elegant
skin designed by him. The 'original' levelset is designed by Thinking Rabbit, the 'm1' levelset is designed by
David W. Skinner,
and the 'grigr2001' levelset is designed by
Evgeny Grigoriev.